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Stolen to Remember: Stolen Series Book 1

  Stolen to Remember

  Stolen Series Book 1

  Alexa Riley


  Stolen to Remember

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13



  Stolen to Keep


  Chapter 1



  Chapter 1

  Read Me Romance

  Stalk the Author

  Copyright © 2020 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Stolen to Remember

  by Alexa Riley

  Is it really kidnapping when she was already his to begin with? Kade Warsaw will do anything to make her remember, including taking her to a deserted island until she falls in love with him. In his line of work, sometimes you have to use force.

  Collins Tramble wakes up in a strange place with a man she doesn’t know. He claims she belongs to him, but how can that be possible? Wouldn’t she remember falling in love with someone so different to her? Someone dark and mysterious with a past he won’t talk about...

  Warning: This kidnapping romance will give you all the swoonworthy feels. Find out what happens on an island made to keep secrets.

  Chapter 1


  I’m snuggled deep in my bed and never want to get up. My whole body is heavy, and I reason with myself that I can sleep for a little longer. I think about all I have to do today and my mind blanks. I search for reminders but all I see in my mind is a black void.

  My eyes spring open as the stirring of fear creeps over me. When I look around I don’t recognize anything, but I don’t think I’m home. But then again when I try and think of where home is, nothing but an empty black space is there where a memory should be. Fear rises up in my throat and my breathing speeds up.

  I slowly sit up and look around the giant bedroom. My eyes fight to adjust to the light but when they do I realize it’s not a bedroom but some kind of fancy hospital. The IV in my arm has my fear climbing as I turn to face the door. That’s when I see three men standing off to the side talking in a huddle.

  I can’t hear what their hushed voices are saying but I can tell they’re trying to be quiet. I stare at them for a moment but I don’t recognize any of them. Well, one has his back to me so I’m not completely sure, but the other two are a total blank. All three men are dressed in suits that I know scream of money. They don’t look like doctors, so if they’re in my hospital room I must know them. What other reason would they have to be here?

  Wait, why am I in a hospital? I reach up to touch my face and nothing hurts. If I can’t remember anything, wouldn't that mean I’d hit my head? I feel around but everything seems fine until I touch the cool metal band on my finger and I flinch. My eyes go from the three men to my hand and I stare at the ring on my finger. It’s not just a simple wedding band, just like the extravagant hospital room and the suits. There’s a giant stone sparkling up at me and it looks like an ice skating rink. It’s completely unmissable but it conjures no memory when I look at it.

  “I’m married?” My mouth is dry and my voice is croaked.

  The three men stop whispering and all turn to look at me. I see the eyes of the man that was facing away from me and something in my mind tries to spark. I know him, don’t I? He has the darkest eyes I’ve ever seen but they soften around the edges and it feels familiar. Relief floods his face as he rushes over towards the bed. The closer he gets, I see not only how handsome he is but how much bigger he is than I thought. His suit might cost a small fortune but it’s clear he’s been in it for a few days. It’s wrinkled and worn and he’s a little unshaven. His hair’s a mess, making me think he hasn’t left my bedside for however long I’ve been here.

  Is this guy my husband? My heart flutters that this man is mine. I think he’s going to cup my face as his hand comes up to my cheek, but he stops himself from touching me.

  “My sweet darling. How do you feel?”

  Darling? The word feels nice for a moment until I realize I don’t know my own name. I open my mouth to answer but no words come out.

  “Get the doctor,” the man snaps at the other two guys by the door. I glance to them and realize they must all be related.

  “Are we married?” I ask the man at my bedside. There are probably a million other things I should be asking right now, but I think more than anything I’m seeking comfort. And possibly protection because I feel so lost. A husband would mean those things.

  One of the guys by the door mumbles a curse while the other slips from the room in search of a doctor.

  “I am your husband,” the man by my bed says.

  I grab one of his hands and hold it tight. “I’m scared,” I whisper to him. “I don’t know what’s happening.”

  “I promise I’ll never let anything happen to you. There’s nothing to be scared of, not when it comes to me.” His voice is strong and reassuring.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” The other man in the room says under his breath.

  “Vaughn.” My husband’s voice is low and laced with a warning.

  “You’re lucky you’re my brother,” he says before storming from the room and leaving us alone.

  “I take it my brother-in-law doesn’t like me?” I ask.

  “Vaughn is always a dick. You’ll get used to it.” He gives me a soft smile.

  “Did I get used to it before?” The question causes the smile to slip from his lips.

  “Maybe he’ll just grow on you.” I can tell he is trying to tease me, but something feels off. It’s like I’m not getting the whole answer.

  “I don’t know your name,” I admit and guilt nags at me for that. “I’m sorry.” I drop my head and my short dark hair falls in front of my face. And I’m shocked once again that I didn’t know what color it was.

  How can I know what a hospital is and that the ring on my finger tells me I’m married, but I didn't know what color my hair was until now?

  “Kade,” my husband answers as his finger goes under my chin to lift my head. “You might not remember everything, but I promise we’ll make new memories. Ones you’ll never be able to forget.”

  “That’s the second promise you’ve made to me.” Does he give them out too easily or are they a vow to him?

  “Kade can be a lot of things but his word is solid,” the third man that went in search of a doctor says as he enters the room with a doctor right behind him.

  He answers the unspoken question in my mind but he makes others take hold. What else can my husband be, because the
other two men seem angry at him. At least that’s what I’m seeing right now.

  “That’s Xander. Everyone calls him X,” Kade tells me before tucking my hair behind my ears. His touch is gentle but nothing about him looks soft.

  “You’re awake again.” The doctor comes to the side of my bed and starts checking me over. I try not to fidget because he isn't saying much. I sit still and let him do his thing while questions pile up in my head.

  “Kade,” I say softly as I reach for his hand. His big palm engulfs mine and gives it a gentle squeeze. “What’s happening?” I’m trying not to freak out but I still don’t know who I am, or why I’m here.

  “We’re not sure,” the doctor says when he pulls the stethoscope away from my chest. “The brain can be tricky to understand.”

  I look to Kade, wanting answers from him since the doctor is being too vague. “You’ve woken up a few times but you always slipped back under.”

  I don’t remember any of that happening.

  “How long have I been here?” My eyes glance over to Xander and Vaughn, who are watching us. The doctor flips through my chart and everything feels so off. Then again, what do I know? I can’t even remember what I look like.

  “A few days,” Kade answers.

  A flood of questions spills from me as I struggle to understand what’s happening. “How did I get here? What is my name? Why—”

  “Calm down, darling.” Kade leans over, brushing his mouth against my forehead. “I need you to take a breath. I don’t want you passing out on me.” I close my eyes and bury my face in his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. “There you go,” he says softly as his hand drifts across my back in a soothing gesture.

  “It’s a good sign she’s not having another panic attack,” the doctor says, making me stiffen.

  Do I have panic attacks? Is that a thing for me?

  “Just get the fuck out. You’re not helping.” Kade’s voice is as cold as ice and for whatever reason I push myself further into him.

  “Mr. Warsaw, if I were you—”

  “If I were you I wouldn’t utter another word if you ever want to work again.” I don’t know how but Kade’s voice gets even colder and I swallow because I might not know my husband, but I know his words are true. There’s a long pause and the room is quiet so I can only assume the doctor left. “Get the plane ready. I want a different doctor sent to the island.”

  “I’m not your fucking assistant,” I hear Xander say.

  “No, but you’re my fucking brother and you’re going to have my back and do this for me,” Kade says with finality.

  I look up to see X with his fists clenched at his side before he gives in. “Fine.”

  “It’s all going to be okay,” Kade tells me and I nod.

  He puts his arm around me and I lean into him, not only because it feels good to be held but because I have no clue what’s happening. I have to trust him and I pray that I’m making the right choice.

  Chapter 2


  I sit on the side of the bed and watch her sleep. The plane is high in the sky but we’re still hours from the island. Her shoulder-length dark hair fans across the pillow and her bronze skin glows against the sheets.

  My fists are clenched at my side because I dare not touch her. It was all I could do to hold her against me in the car and to help her back into bed before I lost control. Even now, breathing the same air as her is threatening to break my control, but I can’t look away from her. I’m afraid to blink because the thought of her not being here when I open my eyes sparks a wave of terror within me.

  She’s been asleep for so long already, but the new doctor said this was normal. I had her look Collins over before we boarded the plane and she gave me the reassurance we were both seeking. Now the doctor, with all her supplies, is being transported to the island on another plane.

  She told Collins her brain needs to rest in order to process the trauma.

  The trauma.

  Reaching out, I slowly slide my hand across the cool cotton but stop just before I make contact with her skin. I keep telling myself she’s safe, and she’s going to be all right, but watching her look into my eyes and not know who I am has broken something inside of me. I’ll do whatever it takes to make her remember, no matter the cost.

  With a heavy heart I stand up and walk out of the small bedroom. With one last look at her I close the door and walk to the front of the plane where my brothers are sitting. Xander is staring out the window and doesn’t even bother to look up at me when I take the seat across from him. Vaughn is sleeping on the couch nearby and his quiet snores irritate me. How can he sleep at a time like this?

  I grab the tumbler of dark liquor next to me and down the contents in one large gulp. Maybe this will help me close my eyes and not see my beautiful girl look up at me like I’m a stranger.

  “Are we going to talk about this yet?” X says without taking his eyes off the black ocean below us.

  “No.” The word is final but I can see him clench his fist in his lap and I know he’s not taking no for an answer.

  “Have you lost your fucking mind?” he hisses as Vaughn makes an unintelligible sound and then goes back to snoring.

  “Does it matter?” I stare at him until he faces me and leans back in his seat. I don’t break eye contact because I have nothing to be sorry about.

  “Let’s try this.” He leans forward and I can see the controlled anger in the way he grips the arm rests. “Why don’t you tell me who the fuck that is back there and why we’re taking her to the island?”

  “My wife,” I say simply as I grab the bottle of liquor off the table next to me and refill my glass to the brim.

  He laughs humorlessly, leans back and throws his hands up. “Your wife? Kade, I’m your goddamn blood, don’t try and bullshit me. There are no doctors around anymore, and she can’t hear you.”

  “My blood,” I agree. “So when I tell you to do this for me, you don’t ask questions. That’s what blood means.”

  “I won’t follow you blindly to jail.” He leans back in his seat like he wants to distance himself from this.

  “You will.” There is a threat in my voice and I know he doesn't miss it. “You’ll do it because I’d do the same fucking thing for you.”

  We stare at one another for a long, silent moment before he looks out the window again. I take another gulp of the dark amber liquid and lean back.

  The quiet of the cabin is only broken by Vaughn but after a moment I let out a breath.

  “Do you trust me?” When he looks at me and rolls his eyes, I raise an eyebrow. “Answer the question.”

  “You know I do,” he answers begrudgingly.

  “Have you ever seen me like this?” I wait as he shakes his head. “Have I ever acted impulsively about anything?”


  “Have I ever taken a woman to the island?”

  He shakes his head and I wait until he says, “No.”

  “That was the deal we made, X. No women, only wives.”

  When I was twenty-two our mother died of cancer, and our father followed her a month later. I was left in charge of my two younger brothers, Xander and Vaughn, and a fortune beyond our wildest dreams. It was up to me to make sure they finished college and our family real estate business didn’t go under, and the weight of that on my shoulders almost crushed me. But ten years later the three of us have kept the Warsaw legacy going and I know now that we would have made our parents proud.

  A few years ago I heard about a private island in the Pacific that was being foreclosed on, and I brought it to my brothers. We flew out to see it, and we agreed that same day that it would be our home. That no matter what happened, this would always be the place we could return to and someday we’d bring our families here. No women, only wives. We wanted the island to be a place for our children to enjoy and to spend our lives in paradise. We made that pact on the white sandy beach and we’ve never broken that promise.

; Every few months we come to the island and leave our phones at the door to reconnect as brothers and cement the vow. After losing our parents we understood how important our bond is and that we need to cherish it. Xander knows that what I’m doing right now is a big decision not only for me, but for us as a family. I can see it in his eyes that he’s worried I’ve broken our laws but I can’t let that stop me.

  “I’ve seen you almost every single day for most of my life, so when you show up and tell me you’re married and your wife is in the hospital, what the hell am I supposed to do?”

  “Buy me a wedding gift and shut your fucking mouth,” I say through gritted teeth before I polish off the last of my drink.

  He narrows his eyes as he leans forward in his seat and I tense, ready for the fight. I’ve been in a ball of knots the past few days and using my fists right now might be the only thing that makes me feel better.

  “Stop fighting,” Vaughn mumbles from beside us, breaking the tense moment.

  “Go back to sleep, baby brother. This doesn’t concern you,” I say, setting my glass down.

  “I was dreaming about a Care Bear giving me a blowjob,” he groans as he rolls over and scratches his crotch. “And you guys ruined it.”

  As much as I hate it, a snort of laughter escapes my lips.

  “She was so pink and fluffy.” His eyes are still closed but he’s grinning like an idiot.

  “How would that even work?” Xander’s eyebrows pull together in concentration as if he’s really considering it. “Their hands are so small.”