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Built For Her Page 2

  “Before we get started, is there anyone else we need to consult with?” I ask, making a show of pulling out my notebook. “Husband, boyfriend? You know, just to get their ideas in before I get started.” I’m a terrible man, but if she’s married I can’t do this job. I can’t be here surrounded by her and not try to break up a marriage. A boyfriend? Yeah, fuck whoever that might be. But I like to think I’m a good guy.

  “Nope, it’s just me,” she says, and there is a shyness to her voice I hadn’t caught earlier.

  “That’s good.” My voice is a little too deep and I try to clear it again. I’m acting like I’ve never been around a woman before, but this little thing has me shook to my core. And the fact is, I’m relieved she’s single. “Why don’t you take me through each room and tell me what you want, Genevieve?”

  Why does her name sound so dirty in my mouth? Suddenly my mind is like a thirteen-year-old boy’s and I’m thinking about what I’d like to do to her in every room.

  “Look, Barrett,” she says, and I can’t take my eyes off her mouth as she moves her tongue. Fucking hell, I might not survive this meeting. “My sister told me that you did great work for her, but I’m on a super-tight budget right now. There’s a long list of things, but only one or two I can afford right now. So maybe you could take a look at what needs to be done first?”

  “Your wish is my command,” I say, and I mean that in every sense of the word.

  “Just like that?” she asks, and she looks so sweet and innocent. “You’re like a dream come true.” As soon as the words are out of her mouth, she puts her hand over it and begins to apologize. “That’s not what I meant—”

  I can’t help but chuckle, secretly loving the way it warms my stomach. “It’s fine,” I say, and I mean it. Being anything that belongs to her would be a gift. “Let’s see the bedrooms.”

  Watching her ass as she walks upstairs might be my new favorite pastime. I have to grip the railing to keep from falling forward and landing face first in it. My own jeans are too damn tight right now, and I’m going to have to unzip them on the ride home.

  She shows me all the rooms upstairs and the bathrooms, too. She talks nonstop about everything she wants to do, and her excitement is clear. This is her dream project, and seeing how happy she is makes me want to do all of it. Today. But everything needs work. Every inch of this house needs love, but something about it feels like home. Like this is a place for a family.

  “This place is perfect,” I say, leaning against the master bedroom doorframe. “And it’s just you all by yourself?”

  “Yep, just me. My sister and I used to live together in an apartment, but she and Neal got married pretty quick and then I started looking for a house. I always wanted to own my own home, and this place popped up and it was meant to be. I just love it so much. It feels like a home, doesn't it? Like a place to raise a family?”

  Her words echo my thoughts like she was reading my mind. I smile back at her as we go down to the kitchen.

  “Would you like a drink?” she asks, going to the fridge. “Sorry, but all I have is water.”

  “Yeah, that would be great,” I say, thinking of an excuse to stay.

  She grabs a glass from the cupboard and goes to the sink to fill it up. When she twists the tap, there’s a loud groan from the pipes and then dirty brown water comes out of the tap.

  “Shit,” she curses, trying to turn it off.

  She struggles with the handle, then it breaks off in her hand. Water suddenly sprays out of the snapped pipe, and she screams as she gets soaked. I run over to the sink and open up the space under it, then turn the valves to shut it off.

  It takes a second for the stream to stop. When I turn around I’m staring at her white T-shirt, completely drenched, and it leaves nothing to the imagination. Her pink nipples are hard and pointy against the see-through material, and I can make out the delicious curves of her breasts. All I can do is stare at the erotic scene in front of me with my mouth open.

  “Shit,” she hisses embarrassedly and crosses her arms over her shirt.

  “Sorry,” I say, and I lick my lips to keep from drooling. But I’m not sorry in the least. That was a sight a priest couldn’t look away from, and it’s burned into my mind for eternity. “Why don’t you get cleaned up and I’ll take care of this?” I offer, trying to protect her modesty in some way, even though all I want her to do is pull that shirt up and let me suck her nipples dry.

  “I’ll be right back,” she says angrily as she stomps from the room, and I hate myself for how I reacted.

  I should have been a gentleman about it, and maybe I should apologize when she gets back. But I didn’t have the strength not to look. She’s too damn beautiful and has the body of a porn star. Not to mention the sound of her voice has been driving me crazy. I can’t get enough of it.

  I grab some tools out of my truck and get to work on fixing the pipe in her kitchen. If I can’t bring myself to give her a real apology, the least I can do is fix her sink so it doesn’t happen again.

  Chapter 3


  I run up the stairs as fast as I can until I get to my bathroom that’s attached to my bedroom. I look down at my shirt and groan. My nipples are clear as day. I should have seen this coming. From the moment I spotted Barrett, all I could think was, holy crap he’s hot. I should have known something would go awry. That’s the story of my life when it comes to dating. But this isn't a date. Maybe my problem is men in general.

  I pull the shirt off and toss it in the bathtub. Next, I take my thin bra off and hang it up to dry. Why couldn't I have picked a thicker bra today? Or at least something sexy? I swear I’m cursed. Also, freaking Gabi could have warned me that the man who worked on her home was the hottest thing alive. I swear to Christ, I had to do a double take to make sure he didn't have the hammer of the gods with him, because he looks like Thor. Gabi is going to get it. My sister can go on and on about random things, but never once did she mention anything about a hot contractor. She’s always trying to set me up and never once has she hooked me up with the beefcake downstairs.

  Digging through my dresser, I find another bra and put it on, then go over to my closet and grab another shirt to wear. I make sure this one is black just in case anything else explodes all over me. When I’m done I brush my hair the best I can, then dig for my makeup bag that has to be around here somewhere. I’ve unpacked most of my room and the bathroom, but I’ve forgotten where it all went.

  “Get it together, Ginny,” I tell myself when I see it on the counter right beside me. I put on some lip gloss and mascara and pencil my brows in a bit. I want to look my absolute best, but if I go down there with a full face I’m going to look like a lunatic. “That’s enough for now.”

  When I walk out of the bathroom I see my cell phone on the table next to my bed. I’m terrible with that thing and it drives my sister crazy. I bet she’s texted me five million times today.

  I groan when I see I have a bunch of missed text and calls. Before I can even check them, it’s vibrating in my hand, reminding me I haven’t had the ringer on.

  “I’m alive!” I tell her before she can yell at me.

  “Neal told me about these cameras I can install in your house that I can check right from my phone,” she says without saying hello. “They’re on sale right now, too.”

  “Maybe you should be wondering why Neal knows this.” I sit down on the side of my bed.

  “You think he put cameras in the house?” she whispers.

  “Would you really be upset if he did?” She doesn't say anything for a moment, so I’m thinking she’s okay with it. “You’re not putting cameras in my home,” I add before she can go back to pushing it.

  “Think on it. You don’t have to toss out the idea right this second. I have a month to return it.”

  Of course she already bought it. Now I’m rethinking the extra key I gave her. I wouldn't put it past her to sneak in here while I was gone. When I hear footsteps downst
airs I remember why I’m ticked off at her.

  “Let’s talk about Thor being in my kitchen,” I say, keeping my voice low.


  “Barrett. The hot contractor who just saw my nipples.” I close my eyes, trying not to let the embarrassment swallow me. I still can’t get the look he had on his face out of my head. I wish I was better at reading people, because part of me thought he liked what he saw, but I brushed it aside. No way he wants a nerd like me. He’s a guy, so of course he’s going to stare. And who wouldn’t look at boobs given the opportunity?

  “Thor? Like the guy from that movie that carried around a sword.”

  “A hammer,” I correct. “How can you not remember your contractor? He is literally the hottest man I’ve ever seen in my life.”

  I hear a board creak and I freeze. Turning around slowly, I see Barrett standing in my bedroom doorway. And of course he has a hammer in his hand.

  Gabi is rattling on in my ear, but I don’t hear anything. Barrett has a smile pulling at his lips, and he bites his bottom one to try to hide it. My whole body blushes, which is so much worse because of my red hair and fair skin.

  “You heard me, didn't you?” I ask, and this time he lets his smile go to reveal a row of straight white teeth.

  Could this get any more embarrassing?

  I watch as he slides the hammer into a utility belt around his waist. Jesus, even that’s hot. “I need to run to the hardware store,” he finally says, not answering my question. Maybe he’s being nice and trying not to embarrass me. Still, I feel a touch hurt that he didn't acknowledge it.

  “Okay,” I say lamely.

  “You’ll have clean water before the end of the day,” he adds.

  His eyes lock on mine before they trail down to my chest, then I wonder if he’s thinking about the scene from earlier. He’s probably just checking to make sure I don't have them out again.

  “How much is it going to cost?”

  “We’ll work it out,” he says before he turns and leaves.

  Should I go after him and ask for more details on the cost? I’d likely do something to embarrass myself if I did. He knows my budget, and clean water is kind of at the top of my list of things I have to have.

  “Wait, did you say he saw your nipples?” Gabi shrieks. Apparently, she just caught the comment I made. And so did Barrett. Great.

  “I was wearing a white shirt and water went everywhere.” I fall back onto the bed. I don’t know why I’m embarrassed. This is the story of my life when it comes to men. I’m always making a fool of myself. Though this time I actually care. More than I should for someone I’ve only just met. He was so excited about the house, too, and that makes me like him more.

  Gabi giggles on the other end of the phone line. “I really can’t remember what he looks like. I remember him being big though.”

  “He’s pretty unmissable,” I sigh.

  “I can’t believe he heard you call him hot. I bet your face is so red.” Gabi keeps on laughing.

  I debate hanging up on her, but I know she would only call back. Or worse, show up over here. I normally love my sister coming over, but not when Barrett will be back soon. God knows she’ll rush into matchmaking mode and I’d really die of embarrassment then. As if Thor wants to date me.

  “Are you going to ask him out?” she asks when she finally stops laughing.

  I roll my eyes. “No.” I sit up. “He’s going to be working on my house. This is going to be awkward enough.”

  “Neal, stop.” My sister laughs into the phone and I hearing kissing noises.

  “Someone is beeping in. Call you later,” I lie and hang up despite her protests.

  Neal to the rescue. He’ll keep her entertained for a while. Hopefully all day so she doesn't end up over here. I glance at the clock and see it’s still pretty early. I have a million things to get done, but all I can think about doing is escaping the house for a bit. I don’t want to face Barrett again so soon. I need to get myself together.

  Maybe I don’t really have to see him at all. Gabi said she gave him a key and he’d come during the day while she worked. My phone vibrates in my hand. I look down to see I have a text from Mark. I open it and groan. He’s asking about the date we’re supposed to have.

  Before it, I see another thirty text messages. Holy crap.

  Me: Lunch?

  I send the text back. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. Get out of the house while Barrett works, and knock this date out with Mark so he’ll stop asking me when we’re going. His response is instant.

  Mark: Pick you up in twenty.

  I hop up from my bed and look down at what I’m wearing. I shrug because I don’t care. I’m not trying to impress Mark.

  When I get downstairs, I peek out the front door and see Barrett's truck is gone. I find my purse and pull out the envelope with the keys I had made. I take one out, then dig for a piece of paper and pen, leaving a note on the counter with the key. I know I’m being silly by doing this, but I really can’t face him. I can’t even pinpoint why I care so much, but I do. I head for the front door and I’m relieved when I see Mark pull up. I shut the door behind me and leave it unlocked for Barrett.

  My hope of leaving without seeing him again dies when he pulls up next to Mark and hops out of his truck. His eyes go from Mark to me.

  “I forgot I have plans, but I left a key for you,” I rush to say, opening the car door to slip in. I don’t want Mark to get out of the car. I really don’t want to introduce the two of them.

  “Mark,” Barrett all but growls, his voice deep and intimidating.

  “Hey,” Mark responds.

  Barrett stares him down, and Mark looks everywhere but back at him.

  “We’ll see you later,” I say as I shut the car door. Mark pulls out of the driveway, and Barrett stands there with his legs apart and his arms folded over his big chest. He looks pissed as hell, but still so freaking hot. Maybe I was rude to sneak out like that, but for some reason staring at him as Mark pulls away, I’m hit with a giant wave of guilt.

  Chapter 4


  “So how do you know Barrett?” Mark asks me. He tries to make the question sound casual, but I can hear the touch of annoyance in his voice.

  “I just met him today.” I glance up from my menu to see Mark staring at me.

  He looks kind of pissed off. What the heck did I do? I never noticed how beady his eyes are before now. His round face is scrunched up, and after being in the presence of Barrett it makes me notice how small Mark is.

  The image of Barrett leaning against my kitchen counter as we talked earlier flashes in my mind. His body is so big, but somehow he moves like a cat. He was so at ease and confident. I wonder if he’s still there now?

  “And you let him come in your house?” Mark says, breaking my train of thought.

  I suddenly feel like I’m a child being scolded.

  “He’s my contractor and it’s my home. I can let whoever I want come and go as they please.” I sit up a little straighter and put the menu down on the table. I don’t want to make a fuss inside the small restaurant, but I also won’t let him talk to me like that.

  “You’re a pretty young girl, Ginny. Don’t be naïve.” He goes back to looking at his own menu as if dismissing the conversation.

  I try and think about what he’s saying, and I’m not sure if I should be defensive. I don’t know Barrett at all and I have no idea if he’s a good guy or not. Maybe I shouldn't give my key to a random stranger, but Gabi trusted him. Maybe Mark is only trying to look out for me.

  “My sister used him in the past and she did the same. Plus, I looked up his company and everything I found out about them was wonderful.”

  I pick my menu back up, trying to let it go. I might have said that a little sharply, but if I’m lucky Mark will think I’m a rude date and won’t push for a second.

  “Just be careful, Ginny. That man gets around, and I don’t mean just his contracting s

  I keep my eyes pinned on the menu while not actually reading it. Even when the waitress comes and begins to ramble off the specials, I’m not listening. Mark’s words hit me harder than they should. I don’t care that my contractor is a ladies’ man. At least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself.

  “And for you, miss?” I glance up at the waitress. I didn't hear a word she said, nor have I even read the menu.

  “She’ll have the fish special.” Mark hands her his menu, then takes mine to give her, too.

  Did he just order for me? I fight an eye roll. I hate fish, but I keep that to myself. I only want this date to be over. At least no catastrophes have happened and I haven't embarrassed myself. That’s probably only because I’m at my embarrassment limit for the day.

  Still, the more I think on this whole thing the more I think maybe Mark and Barrett have some problem I don’t know about. Barrett looked pissed too when we pulled out of the driveway. If I had to guess from the comment Mark made, maybe they were in a fight over a woman.

  “You’re single, right?” I blurt out. Not that I want to be with him, but I’d never go out on a date with a man who was with someone else.

  “No reason to get jealous. I only have eyes for you.” He winks one of those beady eyes at me.

  How did I seriously never notice them before now? I want to tell him this isn’t going anywhere. I lived up to the one date that was required of me, but maybe I’ll wait until the end of the date. No need to make this more awkward.

  I pick up my iced sweet tea, take a drink and pray the food comes soon. It’s never been hard to talk to Mark before, but at this moment I can’t think of a freaking thing to say.

  I know a lot of people who work for the city. I do a lot of freelance work for the mayor in our big little city. I’m really good at research and can dig up anything if you give me enough time. I’ve been known to sit in the library archives for days if I have to. Then I write up the cliff notes on what I’d found. I’ve even written dozens of the mayor speeches over the years.