BUY ME *Don & Peaches* (Mistress Auctions Book 3) Page 9
I push myself from the bed, go to the shower, and try to wash away my fears. I’ve got an Auction tonight, and it’s a big one. I try not to think about the event and instead focus on what I can control. Like shaving my legs and washing my hair.
I also think about how fucking sexy Leo’s body is and rub my pussy while I’m in the shower. I picture him in here like the other night when I came home and joined him. How he fucked me up against the tile and made me cum three times before he would let me out of the shower. The water was ice cold by the time I gave him what he wanted, but he got it.
I touch myself as I think about Leo’s mouth and what it felt like last night. His warm tongue on my clit and how I came on his face. Then I eventually cum thinking about his long thick cock inside of me, fucking me hard and deep.
When I’m out of the shower, I get ready for work. All of my things are here, and I wonder why I even bother going by my place downtown. I know I keep it as insurance, in case Leo decides that a high-paid madame isn’t what he wants after all.
Tying my hair back, I make sure no strand is out of place. I apply my make-up and then slip on a black dress suit with black heels. It’s pretty much the same thing I wear every day, and I feel as if it’s my armor. Once I’m dressed and ready to go, I mentally pull my shields up and head out the door.
This is a big night for the Mistress Auction, and I need all the strength I can muster.
Chapter 3
I nod to the guard as I make my way into the Mistress Auction. He immediately recognizes me and opens the thick metal door, granting me entry.
“She’s not in her office,” he tells me as I pass, knowing where I was headed. It’s always the first place I go when I arrive, hoping to catch her before the Auction starts. I like her knowing I’m here. I know she’s been doing this for years and has security so thick nothing could ever happen to her, but I need her to know.
I need her to know that someone is here, not because they owe her something or they’re paid to be here. I want her to know I’m here simply to look out for her. To show that, even though I might not want her doing this anymore, I still support her.
I look down at my watch, double-checking the time.
“Thanks,” I say, and make my way straight to the auction area. I want to get a table in the back. Hopefully, this will go fast. I’ve had an unsettled feeling all day, and it doesn’t help that Samantha’s texts today have been short.
No teasing, none of the nicknames she likes to give me. Simple yeses and nos, and it’s eating me up inside.
When I hit the auction area, I stop in my tracks. The room is packed full of people. There isn't a person in the room I don’t recognize. From politicians to casino owners to CFOs of some the largest companies in the world.
Charles, the owner of the Snake Eyes casino, turns, and his eyes lock on me. His wife, Mandy, does the same. I nod politely. If anyone knows why I’m here, it’s Charles. I like to keep my life private, but he once caught me and Samantha in an intimate moment at an Auction. I’m sure he remembers, because a man like Charles remembers everything, just in case he might need to use it against you one day. But word is he seems to have softened up since Mandy’s gotten a hold of him. I know he bought Mandy from this very auction house. In fact, if I recall right, he was bidding against himself before anyone could even make their own bid.
The thought makes me smile, and they take it as an invitation to come over towards me. I’d rather just head to the back, but maybe he knows what’s going on.
“Not surprised to see you here tonight,” Charles says, pulling his tall wife into his body so she’s snug against him. The hand on her hip tightens in a possessive grip. I feel a small trace of jealousy bite at me.
I’d love to do those things with my Samantha, but I know she likes to keep things looking professional to the outside world. She doesn’t want anyone to see her as anything other than a cutthroat ice queen, impervious to men’s charms.
“Mrs. Townsend.” I greet Charles’s wife with a small nod, and she gives me a soft smile in return. “I’m a little shocked at your being here. Seeing as you're married.” I’ve heard whispers, and if the tone of Charles’s casino and the collar around his wife’s neck are any indication, they’re into some kind of kink.
I never thought I was into a kink until my Samantha. I don’t know what drives me to take such control of her when we have sex, but I can’t seem to help myself. I can start to see why Charles might do the same thing with his wife. He just might use a few more toys and names than I do.
Even after knowing that about them, I can’t imagine Charles is here to get a Mistress, even with his wife’s approval. He’s seems extremely possessive. I don’t think he’d want another male or female to ever see his wife in the buff.
“Sam called in one of her notorious favors.” He glances towards the stage like he expects her to be there. She doesn’t even do the Auctions. Most of the time she just works backstage, wrapping up contracts and such.
I glance around the room again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many people in here at once. She must have a long line up.
“Oh. There are the Cortezes. I didn’t know they’d be here, too,” Mandy says, trying to pull from his grip but getting nowhere. She lets out a little huff before giving Charles a look.
“I’ll take you over there, kitten. Retract the claws before they get you more than you bargained for.”
She pushes into his body. “Promises, promises.”
He smiles down at her before giving her a kiss.
I use the opportunity to try to slip away.
“Join us.”
I look around and see that every table is full, so I take Charles up on his offer, not wanting to be rude. Some manners are so deeply ingrained in me I can’t seem to kick them.
When we reach the table, I see Justin Cortez and his brother, Aaron, with their very pregnant wife, Stella, in his lap. She jumps up when she sees us and wobbles over to give Mandy a hug. Charles reluctantly lets her go.
“You’re about to pop,” Mandy says, hugging her back.
“I know.”
They both take their seats in their husbands’ laps. I take one of the vacant chairs, trying not to let the sight eat me up too much.
“Wait until you meet Don’s wife. You’re going to die,” Stella says excitedly while Aaron absently rubs her stomach, making the bite of jealousy hit me again.
“They’re married?” Mandy half-squeals, almost coming out of her chair, but Charles locks his arm around her waist. “I just thought they were shacking up at the moment. I knew it was serious, I just didn’t know he put a ring on it.”
“Oh, yeah, he did. You should see that rock.” Stella lifts her hand in an approximation of the ring’s size. It has to be an exaggeration because I’m not sure they even make rings that big. Or how someone would walk around with one that size on their hand.
“Men,” Mandy sighs. “They just have to mark us. To let the whole world know we’re taken.” Her eyes roll, contradicting the dreamy tone of her words as her hand goes to the chain around her neck, making Stella smile.
“Oh, there they are.” Stella tries to jump from Aaron’s lap, but this time he holds firm.
“Calm down, or you’re going to go into labor.”
More hugs are exchanged before Don and his new wife, Peaches, join us at the table. Don eyes me knowingly as his wife, too, sits in his lap. He probably remembers seeing me out to dinner with Samantha a little while back at his casino’s steakhouse.
Everyone chitchats idly about babies and weddings. I try to ignore it, hating how I want the things they have, but I’ll only ever want them with one person. I can’t seem to get through to her, but I’ll keep trying. Even if she doesn’t want marriage and babies and all that, I just want all of her. Every piece.
It isn’t long before another couple is joining us.
“Aren’t you on the wrong side of the curt
ain, Kim?” Peaches asks the tall woman who joins us. She looks familiar, and it’s then I realize she’s one of the top lawyers in Vegas.
“He tricked me! That last contract I filled out had a marriage license in it.”
Peaches’ mouth falls open. “You, too?! These sneaky bastards. You have to watch out for those city boys. They’re slicker than snot on a doorknob.”
Kim settles in next to her husband, who wraps an arm around her.
“Guess you can only run for so long before you get caught,” Kim says, clearly not upset about being caught.
“It really is the best part,” Peaches agrees.
I silently agree, too. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to finally really catch Samantha.
“I wonder what Sam is up to. This place is crazy packed. I’ve never seen it like this before.” Kim looks around the room, voicing my thoughts.
I pull out my phone to check to see if Samantha has texted me. Nothing since I asked if she wanted me to bring her lunch today, which I’d gotten a “no” to.
The lights flicker, making everyone go quiet as they turn to look at the stage. I don’t see Ben, the regular announcer at his stand, but moments later, Samantha comes out from behind the curtains to stand on the stage, a microphone in hand.
She’s in a form-fitting black dress and heels, her blonde hair pulled back. She’s dressed like she is every day when she leaves to go to her office. Everything perfect and in place. Always. I think about how I’m going to get some answers from her tonight. I’ll wipe away that polished look she has right now. I’m going to leave her spent and smelling of me.
Samantha smiles and starts to speak. “Tonight is going to be the last Auction.” A few whispers break out, but I stay stock still. She’s quitting? Maybe that’s why this place is so packed. A last round of contracts to be had?
“Thank you all for coming. Everyone I’ve invited here tonight has been a part of the Mistress Auction in some way.” She smiles and raises an eyebrow as she looks around the room. “And as you all know, I have a few favors that I called in. Don’t worry, your secrets are still safe with me.”
There are a few laughs, but I just feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. What is happening?
“A lot of lovely ladies have graced this stage, and I have to say they’re a hard act to follow. But the reason I’ve asked you all to come here is so that you can help me end the Mistress Auction in the way I thought best.”
You could hear a pin drop in the room with the way everyone is holding on to every word she’s saying.
“There will only be one Mistress up for grabs,” she continues, and I feel the earth start to shake. What the fuck is going on? I can feel it, but I don’t want to believe it. I can see the unease in Samantha as she says the words. Something is wrong, and I start to rise from my chair.
She looks at the crowd and takes a deep breath. “Tonight, I hope that the winner will be kind enough to honor our agreement. The bidding starts at ten million for the Madame of the House.”
I’m out of my chair before she’s said the last word.
“If one motherfucker bids on her,” I bellow as I make my way towards the stage, not giving a shit, “I’ll burn this place to the motherfucking ground.”
Chapter 4
Well, that happened quicker than expected.
I watch as Leo storms through the crowd of tables and makes his way to the front of the stage, hopping up and standing in front of me. For the first time, I can’t really read his face. This isn't like him. Leo may not be shy, but he also does not cause scenes. I thought at most he might bid on me. Not go all caveman and charge the stage. Before him I would have hated that, but I have to admit I like him like this. I feel safe with him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Samantha? No way I’m letting you do this.” I see the panic in his eyes now, and my heart starts to race.
“Everyone here who is eligible to bid has an agreement to not honor a thirty-day contract,” I say, trying to explain the situation, wanting to see his reaction. I know I’m pushing him. He’s made it very clear from the first day he took me in my office that he wouldn't share me. I told him he didn't own me and I'd do whatever I wanted, knowing I wouldn't. He'd ruined me. No one had ever touched me or made love to me like he did. With such caring possession. He’d told me to test him and see what happens. I’d always thought that meant he’d walk away from me. So I didn’t test him until now.
“I don’t give a goddamn if they just bid for a chance to wave at you, no way are you doing it. You’re mine, Samantha. I won’t let this happen. You may not have wanted to admit it, and you may keep me at arm’s length, but this is it. I’m done letting you have your way. You’re taking your pretty ass off this stage and coming home with me. Home. Where we live. Together.”
I feel the tears threaten to come up. My nose burns with the need to shed them. He’s doing it. Claiming me in front of everyone; it’s what I’ve wanted for month.
“You don’t have to do this, Leo,” I whisper, trying to let him off the hook. Giving him one last chance to not shatter me. If he takes me from here, I’ll fall so deep into him I don’t think I’ll ever get out.
“Don’t have to do what?” He reaches down jerking the microphone out of my hand and turning to face the crowd. “I should have done this a long time ago. But if any of you know Samantha, you know she is the most stubborn, hard headed, obstinate, willful, uncompromising woman on the planet.”
“I’d put my wife up against her,” I hear Don shout, and I feel myself smile.
“If you know Samantha, you also know that she’s the most caring, kind-hearted, devoted, thoughtful person you’ve ever met. Which is why I fell in love with her.”
Leo turns back to me, and it’s then I feel a tear slip.
“She’s fought for everything she’s ever had, and she’s fought to keep people out. She’s tough, I’ll give her that, but she won’t keep me out. I’m going to fight for you. For us. No matter how much you push, I won’t ever leave you. And if a big show is what you’re looking for, then here it is.”
My hands go to my mouth as he gets down on one knee in front of everyone and pulls a ring out of his pocket. What the fuck? How does he have a ring?
“I bought this after the first time I came to your office.”
There are a few catcalls from the audience, but I ignore them. I never thought I was good enough for Leo. I always second-guessed myself based on the fact that we kept our relationship a secret, but that was my request. I based it on the fact that he never took me around his family, but I always made an excuse when he begged me to. I based it on the fact that I thought he could do better than me, but that’s because I didn't think I deserved him. I had built these walls around us, not him. I’d staged this whole thing to see if he’d claim me in front of others. How hadn’t I seen this before? It seems I can see everything else so clearly except when it comes to myself.
“Samantha, I love you so damn much, and I want the world to know it. If you’re ready to give all this up, I’ll support that decision. And even if you’re not, I’ll support that, too. I don’t give a damn about anything but having you in my life for eternity.”
He opens the box, showing me the ring. It’s a princess-cut black diamond solitaire on a platinum band. It’s huge and gorgeous, and I’m overwhelmed.
I deserve Leo. A man who has been honest with his feelings from day one. A man who has put my needs before his own. A man who has stood by my side when I didn’t think I needed him. But I did need him. I do need him. I’m tired of pushing him away when all I’ve wanted to do was let him love me.
“Goddamn it, if you don’t marry me, I’m going to take you to bed and fuck you for days without an orgasm until you say yes.”
The crowd erupts into whistles and laughter, but I ignore them as I look into those forest-green pools of love and nod my head.
“I love you, Leo. Yes.”
p; He gets off one knee, scooping me up in his arms, and the audience goes wild. Cheers and claps echo through the auction house as Leo carries me off the stage and out of the building.
It’s a show the likes of which I’ve never seen, and it’s so over the top I’m shocked it was real. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop smiling for the rest of my life.
When we get outside, his town car is waiting, and he slips us into the back. He’s on me the second the door shuts, taking my mouth in a heated kiss.
“Tell me that just happened. Tell me you said yes. Tell me you’re going to be my wife. Tell me you love me.”
I laugh at his words, hearing the excitement in his voice. “Yes, that was real. Yes, I’m going to marry you. Yes, I love you.”
His lips move down my neck, and I moan at the sensation. God, he knows my sweet spots, I think as he places a few hungry kisses there before pulling back.
“Why did you do it, sweetheart?”
He cups my face, making me look at him. I feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Uncertainty.
“I guess I just wanted to see if you’d pick me. Claim me in front of everyone.” I see the understanding and relaxation fill his eyes, but I cut him off before he can say anything.
“It wasn't until I was up there and I saw you charging towards that stage that I knew it was stupid. Of course you’d claim me. I just…my head is everywhere, and I’ve never felt like this. No one has ever loved me, Leo, and it scares the fucking shit out of me. I’m sorry I have no idea what I’m doing.”
Leaning in, he kisses me hard. I can feel so much in his kiss. What he feels for me.
“I’ll always fight for you. No matter how much you push or things start to scare you, I’ll come for you. Always. I felt like I was made for you. You were dealt a shitty life that left its scars on you, and I was brought to you that night to help put you back together again. To show you that you are worthy of love. And I’m going to pour it all over you for the rest of our lives. I’ll make it so you never have to question it.”