Flight Risk Read online

  Flight Risk


  Alexa Riley


  Flight Risk

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7



  Paid For

  Chapter 1


  Also by Alexa Riley

  Stalk the Author

  Flight Risk

  by Alexa Riley

  Sophia Adams has lived her whole life sheltered from the world. Her parents are workaholics, she goes to an all-girls school, and isn’t allowed outside the boundaries that have been set for her. So when she secretly gets a passport and packs a bag the day it arrives, she thinks all of her dreams are finally coming true. That is, until the airport security pulls her out of line and she discovers that maybe she’s more innocent than she thought.

  Lincoln Gray owns everything he could ever want. And that includes the dark-haired beauty he catches sight of. One look at Sophia and he’s making sure she’s the carry-on he’s taking to his next stop. She’s too naive to travel the world alone, and luckily for her, he’s the one to protect her. He’s never been told no, and it’s not about to start now. How can a woman resist being given all she’s dreamed of?

  Warning: This short story is insta-love faster than a Nighthawk (It’s the fastest plane in the world. Trust us, we Googled.) Make sure your tray tables are in their upright and locked position and your laptop is in a bin by itself. We’ve got a filthy little quickie ready to please!

  Copyright © 2017 by Author Alexa Riley LLC. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]


  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing

  Cover Designer Mayhem Cover Creations

  Dedicated to that slice of man meat we saw at the airport in Germany. We don’t know who you are… and we’re okay keeping it that way.

  Chapter One


  I hold my passport tight in my hand, feeling like it’s my lifeline. It’s my chance to finally see the world. I only got it in the mail this morning, and afterwards I was practically running out the front door almost forgetting to say my goodbyes. Not that there was even anyone to say goodbye to besides Larsa. She’s been my nanny and caregiver my entire life, but she’s more of a mom to me than my own mother. She kissed me on both cheeks before reluctantly letting me go with tears in her eyes.

  Both my parents are workaholics. They try to find time for me, but they always seem to love their jobs more. The own a law practice together, and I’m pretty sure I was a mistake late in life—one they thought for a moment they might want or could handle, but it turned out their money handled me for them.

  I never went without though. I went to the best all-girls private boarding school in the States and had a trust fund that would never leave me lacking my heart’s desire. My parents want me to use it for college and maybe even become a lawyer like them. I’ve heard them say it many times over dinner—when they could manage to make it home in time for one. That was the natural plan for things, but they never asked me what I wanted to do. My parents talked at me, not to me.

  Being like them was the furthest thing from what I wanted. Something about college scared me. I was always worried that maybe I’d get wrapped up in it and end up like them. I didn’t want to be a workaholic, but in all honesty, I don’t know what I want to do with my life. The one thing I know is I want some freedom. I want to see the world outside of my parents’ home and the walls of my school.

  I want to see the places I’ve read about in history class. Meet boys and have love stories like the ones I’ve read in romance novels. The only outside world I know is from books or movies. We never traveled when I was growing up, and this is finally my chance.

  I bite my lip as I look up at the departures screen to see what flights there are and where they are going. When I see one heading to Paris in four hours, my heart does a little leap. It’s the city of love.

  I make my way to the counter and buy a ticket that costs a small fortune. The lady directs me to where I need to go next since I don’t have to check any bags. I only packed my backpack because I didn’t take much with me. I wanted to be able to get around as easily as possible. I have a checklist of places all over the world I want to go, and I know I can’t lug around a million things if I want to do that.

  I wait in line to get through security, my excitement growing with each second. This is really happening. I’m going to Paris. I can’t believe it.

  “Hey,” I hear someone say from behind me. I turn to see a boy who looks a few years older than me. He’s cute with short blond hair and blue eyes. He’s smiling at me, and I see a small dimple in his cheek.

  “Hi,” I say back, feeling a little awkward.

  “Where you headed?” he asks, glancing at the ticket in my hand.

  “Paris.” I can hear the dreamy sigh in my voice. The millions of love stories I’ve read about this city dance through my head.

  “Me too.” He gives me a little wink. I feel myself blush, not used to this kind of attention and feeling even more awkward.

  “Next!” is barked at me, making me jump.

  I turn back and see the line has moved and I’m up next. I rush up to the security box, handing the man my passport and ticket. He takes them from me and looks down at them.

  The man looks intimidating. His head is shaved and the white shirt he’s wearing is stretched tight against his body. It shows off the muscles that could take almost anyone in a fight. Tattoos run down his arms, and I see them move with every flex of his hands. He puts my ticket and passport down, and I watch as he puts a finger to his ear. It’s then I see a small earpiece. I think he’s listening to someone. His eyes shoot up to me and stare for a moment. His cold eyes bore into me, and then they snap away.

  He stands. “You need to come with me,” he tells me, picking up my passport and plane ticket.

  I stand there shocked. Did I do something wrong? I glance back to the blond guy, whose eyebrows are raised as he watches what’s happening. I feel a little panic set in.

  “I-I…” I stumble over my words, trying to think. “Is something wrong?”

  “Ma’am, like I said, you need to come with me.” He reaches out to grab my arm, but stops suddenly right before his hand lands on me. He pauses for a moment. “This way.” He retracts the hand that was going to grab me and points in the direction he wants me to go.

  I pause for a second but then decide to follow him. What choice do I have? His chest says Security on it and so does the badge he’s wearing. I’ve been taught to follow the law my entire life, and if this is the one thing standing between me and Paris, then I will follow him.

  He uses a keycard to open a side door that leads down a long hallway. I follow him, staying silent as I watch him from behind. When we reach the end of the hall, we get to another door. He opens it, ushering me in. The only things in the room are a metal table and two metal

  “Have a seat,” he tells me. I slip my backpack off and sit down.

  He leans down and picks up my bag. I want to demand he give it back, but he’s striding from the room before I can say anything. The door shuts behind him, and I hear a lock click into place. Suddenly I’m alone and I have no idea what’s happening.

  Maybe I should have listened to Larsa this morning and not left. She said I was too young, too naïve about the world. Maybe she was right, because I have no idea what’s happening right now.

  Time ticks by as I wait and wait.

  Finally, after what feels like forever, the door opens. Only it’s not the man from before who greets me. I thought the man who brought me here was intimidating, but this guy takes it to a whole new level. I feel the breath leave my lungs at the size of him.

  Dark, intense eyes meet mine as he steps into the small room, making it seem even smaller. He shuts the door behind him, and the click of the lock echoes in the empty space. He takes a step toward me. He has to be over a foot taller than my five foot three. He’s enormous. His hair is dark and cut short, military style. His black button-up shirt makes it look like his muscles want to escape from it. Big, beefy arms pull tight against the material, and I’m surprised it doesn’t rip when he moves them. He screams Special Forces or something badass, and I feel my heartbeat pick up.

  What is going on here? “Who was the boy behind you in line?” he asks. His voice is deep and holds an edge to it. I look at him in confusion.

  “Who?” I hear the small tremble in my voice. His eyes narrow on me as he takes a step closer.

  “The boy you were taking to in line.” He grits it out.

  I stare up at him as he looms over me in my chair. He reaches out and grasps a lock of my hair, rubbing it between his fingers. “He had blond hair,” he adds, not letting go of mine.

  “I don’t know him,” I admit as it clicks who he’s talking about. Maybe all this is about him.

  He drops my hair but keeps his eyes trained on me, making me squirm in my chair and I have to look away. His eye are too intense to hold. I feel his finger come to my chin as he softly guides me to look back at him.

  He strokes my chin gently before he grips it in a firm possessive hold. “Good, because you’re about to get to know me.”

  Chapter Two


  I just so happen to be passing through the airport terminal when I spot her in the distance, stopping me right in my tracks. The dark-haired beauty with the backpack on her shoulder and eyes as wide as a kid at their first circus. She looked around like she was seeing the world for the first time, and never have I wanted something more in my life. She needs me, I tell myself. The innocence is beaming off her like a bright light, and I’m sure others have to be seeing it.

  I see her turn to get in the line at security and I nearly run down the hall to the camera room. I walk in and go straight to the bank of televisions, pushing one of the techs out of the way. I scan the screens, feeling a little panicked until I find her, and then enlarge the shot I need.

  The guy I pushed out of the way doesn’t say a word. He steps aside and gives me the floor. He damn well knows better than to question the owner of the whole fucking place. I bought out most of the airlines that fly through here, and the ones I don’t own wish I did. That may sound cocky, but I’ve earned the right to be. I led military operations in the marines when most of the guys here were still playing Nintendo. I’m a badass motherfucker that knows over a dozen ways to kill a man with my bare hands, and I’ve made it my mission since I got out of the service to take what I want. I’ve worked for what I’ve become, and I’m owed what comes to me. That includes the tight little piece of ass I’m staring at.

  I’ve traveled the globe more times than I can count and never has a woman stopped me like this—one so innocent I can smell her fresh pussy through the screen, and I lick my lips wondering what those pink petals taste like. Today I was leaving for Australia, but my plans are about to change. She is going to be mine.

  I zoom in on her in line and see her talking to an eager little prick who’s looking her up and down. I don’t know if he was with her when I saw her at the counter. I only had eyes for her. I see him reach down and adjust his cock when she looks away, and I clench my fists thinking about what he might be to her. Then my mind wanders to where they might be going and if he gets to taste that sugary honey she’s begging to smear on my cock. My jaw aches as I grind my teeth, needing to know all the details. I need to get her alone and away from others. There are too many people too close to her.

  I flip on the intercom and hit the code for the employee checking passports. He calls for the next in line, and I tell him to hold her ass right where it is. Then I think better on it and tell him to put her in confinement. I don’t want to give that little fucker behind her the opportunity to look at her ripe tits anymore. No, those are for my eyes only. And pretty soon my mouth.

  I bet she tastes like a goddamn candy store from her mouth to her asshole. My mouth is already watering at the thought of finding out. And I will be finding out.

  “Don’t you dare fucking touch her,” I say to the security guard, and I watch as he drops his hand and points down the hall. I’m on a thin rope and I probably would have lost it. I need to get next to her. Have her within my reach. I can feel that is the only thing that will likely calm me. A little.

  I watch as he leads her down the corridor and into one of our security rooms.

  “Cameras off in Solitude Four,” I command, and hear someone obey. Then I point back to the screen and the guy who was in line behind her. “And get rid of him.”

  There are several mumbles of “yes, sir” as I walk out of the room and to where she’s waiting. I make my way down the hall, and as I approach the door, the security guard walks out with her backpack in his hand. I reach out, taking it from him without a word, and take her passport and boarding pass from him, too. There’s a room beside the one she’s being held in, and I step inside and open her bag. I want to see the contents of it and where she was headed off to before I go in there.

  Flipping open her passport, I see her name is Sophia Adams. I glance down at her age, and I’m thankful she’s legal. I close it and then look at her boarding pass, which has Paris scrawled across the top. If she was planning a romantic holiday with that little shit behind her in line, she’s about to get a rude awakening. When I unzip her bag, I see she only has a few items, but all of them are nice.

  “Hmm,” I say, seeing the labels on her clothes are high end and the various things she brought are expensive. Something isn’t adding up.

  When I get to the bottom of her backpack, I see a small cotton bag and open it up. Inside are a few pairs of small panties, and my cock throbs.

  “Fuck,” I grunt, and reach in, touching the lace and silk. I finger the delicate edges of them, and my cock grows harder. I lick my lips and lean down, putting my nose inside and inhaling. It smells like clean laundry detergent, and I wish they’d been used. I want to sniff up her skirt like a dog to find out if she’s in heat. I’d love nothing more than to rut behind her, my thick cock buried in her teenage cunt.

  I have to close my eyes tight and think of something else to distract me from the pain of my need. Her pretty little thighs are going to ache when I get my body between them. I bet she’s never had them spread as wide as I’m going to spread them.

  I growl low in my throat as I stuff her things back in her bag and zip it up. I get her passport and boarding pass and stick them in my back pocket. She’s not getting far without me.

  When I walk in the room, the smell of gummy bears hits me and almost brings me to my knees. God, could she be any more fuckable?

  She’s wearing a white fluffy skirt that’s at her thighs while she’s sitting down. Her black silky tank top is low in the front, revealing just the edge of black lace under it. Everything about her outfit begs me to bend her over the table and make a woman out of her. And my fat cock
is aching to do it.

  “Who was the boy behind you in line?” My voice is thick with hunger, but I try to think straight.


  Her voice is small and meek, but there’s heat in it. Her blue eyes run up and down my body, and I swear to Christ if she licks her lips, I’ll give her a dick to suck on.

  My body moves on its own, getting closer to her, need pushing down on my shoulders and begging me to claim her.

  “The boy you were taking to in line.”

  She looks up at me through her lashes, and I wonder if that’s how she’ll look when she’s sucking my dick. If her full lips can open wide enough to take all twelve inches of me, that is. My cock is hard and pushing against my jeans. If I take another step toward her, I could rub it against her chin.

  Instead, I reach out, taking a lock of her hair and feeling the silk between my fingers. I think about the silk of her panties, and then the silk of her cunt. How could something be so soft? I’ve traveled the world and never felt anything like it.

  “He had blond hair,” I say, needing to get to the point.

  “I don’t know him.”

  Her eyes are free from any lie, and my body tightens with anticipation. She’s free, and she’s going to be mine.

  I let go of her hair and stare into her blue eyes, wanting more than anything to pull her up in my arms. When she looks away from me, a chill runs down my back, and I want her eyes back on me. I run my hand across her jaw and then turn her to look at me.


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